Unlocking the Mystery: How to Determine the Text Responsible for Google Gemini `block_reason: OTHER`?
Image by Nikeeta - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Mystery: How to Determine the Text Responsible for Google Gemini `block_reason: OTHER`?

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Are you tired of receiving the frustrating `block_reason: OTHER` error message in Google Gemini, without any clear explanation of what’s causing it? You’re not alone! Many advertisers face this issue, and it can be a real roadblock to campaign success. But fear not, dear reader, for today we’re going to dive deep into the world of Gemini error codes and uncover the secrets to identifying the text responsible for this enigmatic error.

Understanding the `block_reason: OTHER` Error

Before we get started, it’s essential to understand what the `block_reason: OTHER` error means. In Gemini, when a creative asset (like an ad or landing page) fails to meet Google’s advertising policies, it gets blocked. The `block_reason` field in the Gemini API returns a code indicating the reason for the blockage. The dreaded `OTHER` code is a catch-all for unspecified policy violations, making it tricky to diagnose and fix.

Why is it Important to Identify the Responsible Text?

Identifying the text responsible for the `block_reason: OTHER` error is crucial because it allows you to:

  • Take corrective action to edit or remove the offending content
  • Avoid future blockages and ensure campaign continuity
  • Improve the overall quality and performance of your ads

Step-by-Step Guide to Determining the Responsible Text

Follow these steps to identify the text causing the `block_reason: OTHER` error:

  1. Review Gemini Error Codes: Check the Gemini API response or the Gemini UI for the error code and any additional information provided.

  2. Analyze Ad Creative Assets:Inspect the ad’s creative assets, including the ad copy, display URL, and landing page content, for any potential policy violations.

  3. Check for Policy Violations: Verify that your ad meets Google’s advertising policies and guidelines. Pay particular attention to:

    • Language and grammar
    • Truthfulness and accuracy
    • Compliance with industry-specific regulations (e.g., healthcare, finance)
    • Prohibited or restricted content (e.g., gambling, weapons)
  4. Examine Landing Page Content: Scrutinize your landing page’s content, structure, and user experience to ensure it:

    • Matches the ad’s promises and expectations
    • Provides a clear and transparent user experience
    • Is free from misleading or deceptive content
    • Complies with Google’s landing page policies
  5. Leverage Gemini’s Policy Center: Utilize the Gemini Policy Center to:

    • Check for policy violations and suggested corrections
    • Get insights into ad performance and creative asset quality
    • Receive notifications about policy changes and updates
  6. Consult Google’s Advertising Policies: Familiarize yourself with Google’s advertising policies and guidelines, including:

    • Google Ads policies
    • Google Merchant Center policies (if applicable)
    • Industry-specific policies and regulations
  7. Test and Iterate: Once you’ve identified and corrected the responsible text, re-submit your ad for review and test its performance.

Common Culprits Behind `block_reason: OTHER`

While it’s impossible to exhaustively list every potential cause of the `block_reason: OTHER` error, here are some common offenders:

Culprit Description
Misleading ad copy Ads that make false or exaggerated claims, or use misleading language.
Inaccurate display URL Display URLs that don’t match the final URL or contain misleading information.
Landing page quality issues Landing pages with poor user experience, thin content, or those that don’t meet Google’s policies.
Prohibited or restricted content Ads that promote or contain prohibited or restricted content, such as gambling, weapons, or adult themes.
Thin or irrelevant content Landing pages or ads with little to no valuable content, or those that don’t align with the user’s search query.

Troubleshooting Tips and Best Practices

In addition to the steps outlined above, here are some troubleshooting tips and best practices to keep in mind:

  • Keep it concise and clear: Ensure your ad copy and landing page content are easy to understand and free from clutter.

  • Use high-quality, relevant images: Avoid using low-quality, irrelevant, or misleading images in your ads and landing pages.

  • Regularly review and update content: Periodically review your ad creative assets and landing page content to ensure they comply with Google’s policies and guidelines.

  • Leverage Gemini’s automated tools: Utilize Gemini’s automated tools, such as automated ad optimization and ad scheduling, to help improve ad performance and reduce errors.

  • Stay up-to-date with policy changes: Monitor Google’s policy changes and updates to ensure your ads and landing pages remain compliant.


The `block_reason: OTHER` error in Google Gemini can be frustrating, but by following these steps and guidelines, you’ll be well-equipped to identify and correct the responsible text. Remember to stay vigilant, regularly review your ad creative assets and landing page content, and leverage Gemini’s automated tools and resources to ensure campaign success. Happy troubleshooting!

// Gemini API Response Example
  "errors": [
      "code": "BLOCKED",
      "reason": "OTHER",
      "description": "The ad has been blocked due to a policy violation."

Now, go forth and conquer the `block_reason: OTHER` error!

Frequently Asked Question

Want to know the secrets to uncovering the mysterious Google Gemini `block_reason: OTHER`? We’ve got you covered!

What is `block_reason: OTHER` in Google Gemini, and why should I care?

`block_reason: OTHER` indicates that Google Gemini has blocked your ad for unknown reasons, but don’t worry, it’s not a sentence to ad-hell! It just means you need to do some detective work to figure out what’s wrong. You should care because it’s impacting your ad performance and potentially losing you money.

Where do I even start looking for the responsible text?

Begin by reviewing your ad’s text, including the headline, description, and display URL. Check for any typos, grammatical errors, or unconventional characters that might be triggering the block. You can also try breaking down your ad into smaller components to isolate the problematic part.

Are there any specific keywords or phrases I should look out for?

Yes! Be on the lookout for words or phrases that might be perceived as misleading, sensational, or inappropriate. Examples include superlatives (e.g., “best,” “cheapest”), conditional language (e.g., “free trial”), or anything that could be seen as inflammatory or offensive. Also, pay attention to excessive punctuation, symbols, or overuse of keywords.

How can I test different variations of my ad to identify the issue?

Create duplicate ads with slight variations in the text, and then test them in small, controlled environments. This will help you identify which specific elements are causing the block. You can also try using Google’s Ad Preview Tool or third-party software to simulate ad reviews and get instant feedback.

What if I’ve tried everything, and I still can’t figure out the problem?

Don’t get discouraged! If you’ve exhausted all avenues, consider reaching out to Google’s support team or a trusted ad expert for guidance. They may be able to provide more insight or offer additional testing methods to help you crack the code. Remember, it’s a process, and with patience and persistence, you’ll uncover the culprit behind that pesky `block_reason: OTHER`!

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