The Great AMP Webstory Conundrum: Why Your CSS Animations Aren’t Working After a Third-Party Script Update
Image by Nikeeta -

The Great AMP Webstory Conundrum: Why Your CSS Animations Aren’t Working After a Third-Party Script Update

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Are you scratching your head, wondering why your beautifully crafted CSS animations have stopped working on your AMP webstory page after a third-party script update? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the possible reasons behind this frustrating issue and provide you with a step-by-step guide to get your animations up and running again.

The AMP Webstory Environment: A Quick Refresher

Before we dive into the meat of the issue, let’s quickly review the unique aspects of the AMP webstory environment. AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is an open-source initiative that enables fast, smooth, and engaging mobile experiences. Webstories, a specific type of AMP page, are designed to provide users with a full-screen, immersive experience. To achieve this, AMP webstories have some strict guidelines and limitations, which we’ll explore later.

Why Do CSS Animations Matter in AMP Webstories?

CSS animations are an essential aspect of creating engaging and interactive webstories. They help draw users’ attention, provide visual interest, and enhance the overall user experience. With AMP webstories, animations can be used to create mesmerizing transitions, loading animations, and other interactive elements that make your story stand out.

The Culprit: Third-Party Script Updates

So, what’s behind the sudden disappearance of your CSS animations after a third-party script update? The answer lies in the way AMP webstories handle external scripts. When you update a third-party script, it can potentially introduce new dependencies, modify existing ones, or even clash with AMP’s strict guidelines. This can cause your CSS animations to malfunction or simply not work at all.

Possible Reasons for CSS Animation Failure

Here are some common reasons why your CSS animations might not be working after a third-party script update:

  • Script conflicts: The updated script might be conflicting with AMP’s built-in scripts or other external scripts, affecting your animation’s functionality.
  • Dependency changes: The updated script might have introduced new dependencies or modified existing ones, which can impact your animation’s performance.
  • AMP validation issues: The updated script might be violating AMP’s validation rules, causing your animation to fail.
  • CSS or JavaScript errors: Syntax errors or typos in your CSS or JavaScript code can prevent your animation from working correctly.

Troubleshooting and Solution

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes, let’s go through a step-by-step process to troubleshoot and solve the issue:

Step 1: Verify AMP Validation

Ensure that your AMP webstory is still valid after the third-party script update. You can use the amp-validator tool or the AMP Validator Chrome extension to check for any validation errors.


Step 2: Inspect the Script Update

Review the updated third-party script and its dependencies to identify any potential conflicts or changes that might be affecting your animation.

  // Check the script's dependencies and potential conflicts
  console.log(script dependencies);

Step 3: Check for Script Conflicts

Use the Chrome DevTools to inspect the script’s behavior and identify any potential conflicts with AMP’s built-in scripts or other external scripts.


Step 4: Review CSS and JavaScript Code

Inspect your CSS and JavaScript code for any syntax errors, typos, or logical mistakes that might be preventing your animation from working correctly.

  /* Check for CSS syntax errors or typos */
  .animation-class {
    animation: my-animation 2s ease-in-out;

  // Check for JavaScript syntax errors or typos
  const animationElement = document.querySelector('.animation-class');
  animationElement.addEventListener('animationstart', function() {
    console.log('Animation started!');

Step 5: Isolate and Test the Animation

Isolate the animation code and test it independently to ensure it’s working as expected. You can use a simple HTML file or a code sandbox like CodePen or JSFiddle to test the animation.

      .animation-class {
        animation: my-animation 2s ease-in-out;
    <div class="animation-class"></div>

Additional Tips and Best Practices

To avoid similar issues in the future, keep the following tips and best practices in mind:

Tips and Best Practices Description
Use the AMP validator regularly Regularly validate your AMP webstory to ensure it’s compliant with AMP guidelines.
Keep your scripts up-to-date Regularly update your third-party scripts to ensure you have the latest versions.
Use a version control system Use a version control system like Git to keep track of changes to your code and scripts.
Test animations independently Test your animations independently to ensure they’re working as expected.
Follow AMP guidelines Adhere to AMP guidelines and best practices to ensure your webstory is optimized for performance and user experience.


In conclusion, troubleshooting CSS animations in AMP webstories after a third-party script update requires a systematic approach. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and solve the issue. Remember to keep your scripts up-to-date, validate your AMP webstory regularly, and test your animations independently to ensure a smooth and engaging user experience.

Have you encountered a similar issue with your AMP webstory? Share your experience and solution in the comments below!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Why are my CSS animations not working on an AMP webstory page after a third-party script update?”

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble getting your CSS animations to work on an AMP webstory page after a third-party script update? We’ve got you covered! Check out these FAQs to troubleshoot the issue.

Why did my CSS animations suddenly stop working after the script update?

This might be due to the third-party script update introducing new CSS selectors or properties that are conflicting with your existing animation rules. Inspect the updated script’s CSS code to identify any potential conflicts.

Could the script update be overriding my custom CSS styles?

Yes, it’s possible! The updated script might be using more specific selectors or higher specificity CSS rules, overriding your custom styles. Try using the `!important` keyword or increasing the specificity of your CSS selectors to ensure they take precedence.

Are there any specific AMP restrictions I should be aware of?

Yes, AMP has specific guidelines for CSS animations. Ensure your animations are using the `amp-animation` component and comply with AMP’s strict CSS rules, such as avoiding `!important` and using prefixed property names (e.g., `-webkit-` or `-moz-`).

How can I debug the issue and identify the root cause?

Use the browser’s DevTools to inspect the elements and CSS rules. Check the console for any error messages and use the “Elements” tab to debug the CSS styles. You can also try disabling the script update temporarily to isolate the issue.

What’s the best approach to resolve the conflict between the script update and my CSS animations?

Create a custom CSS patch to overrides the conflicting styles introduced by the script update. Use a CSS preprocessor like Sass or Less to write more efficient and modular code. If needed, reach out to the script developers for assistance or file a bug report.

Let me know if you need any changes!

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