Solving the “Pyomo did not find license for solvers” Conundrum: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Solving the “Pyomo did not find license for solvers” Conundrum: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “Pyomo did not find license for solvers” error message while trying to run your optimization models? Look no further! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the troubleshooting process, providing you with clear and direct instructions to overcome this hurdle.

What’s Causing the Issue?

The “Pyomo did not find license for solvers” error typically occurs when Pyomo, a popular Python-based optimization package, is unable to locate or access the required solver licenses. Solvers, such as Gurobi, CPLEX, or GLPK, are essential for solving optimization problems, and their licenses are necessary for Pyomo to function correctly.

Common Reasons for the Error

  • Missing or expired solver licenses
  • Incorrect license file paths or configurations
  • Incompatible solver versions or installations
  • Corrupted or damaged license files

Step 1: Verify Solver Licenses and Installations

Before diving into the troubleshooting process, make sure you have the required solver licenses and installations in place.

Check Your Solver Licenses

If you have purchased a solver license, ensure it is valid and not expired. Check the license file or contact the solver vendor’s support team to verify the license status.

Verify Solver Installations

python -m pyomo.check_solver 

Replace `` with the name of your installed solver (e.g., `gurobi`, `cplex`, or `glpk`). This command will check if the solver is installed correctly and if Pyomo can recognize it.

Step 2: Configure License Files and Paths

If your solver licenses and installations are in order, it’s time to focus on configuring the license files and paths.

License File Locations

Make sure your license files are located in a directory that Pyomo can access. Typically, license files are stored in the following locations:

Solver License File Location
Gurobi `GUROBI_LICENSE_FILE` environment variable or `~/.gurobi/gurobi.lic` file
CPLEX `CPLEX_STUDIO_DIR Licenses` directory or `CPLEX_LICENSE_FILE` environment variable
GLPK `GLPK_LICENSE_FILE` environment variable or `~/.glpk/glpk.lic` file

Environmental Variables

Set the appropriate environmental variables to point to your license file locations. You can do this using the following commands:

export GUROBI_LICENSE_FILE=/path/to/gurobi.lic
export CPLEX_LICENSE_FILE=/path/to/cplex.lic
export GLPK_LICENSE_FILE=/path/to/glpk.lic

Replace `/path/to/` with the actual directory path to your license file.

Step 3: Troubleshoot Solver-Specific Issues

Now that we’ve covered the general troubleshooting steps, let’s dive into solver-specific issues and solutions.

Gurobi Solver Issues

If you’re using Gurobi, ensure that the `GRB_LICENSE_ID` and `GRB_LICENSE_KEY` environment variables are set correctly. You can do this by running:

This script will prompt you to enter your license ID and key, which will be stored in the `~/.gurobi/gurobi.lic` file.

CPLEX Solver Issues

For CPLEX users, make sure the `CPLEX_STUDIO_DIR` environment variable points to the correct directory. You can set this variable using:

export CPLEX_STUDIO_DIR=/path/to/cplex/studio

Replace `/path/to/cplex/studio` with the actual directory path to your CPLEX installation.

GLPK Solver Issues

If you’re using GLPK, ensure that the `GLPK_LICENSE_FILE` environment variable is set correctly. You can set this variable using:

export GLPK_LICENSE_FILE=/path/to/glpk.lic

Replace `/path/to/glpk.lic` with the actual directory path to your GLPK license file.


By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the “Pyomo did not find license for solvers” error and get your optimization models up and running again. Remember to verify your solver licenses, configure license files and paths, and troubleshoot solver-specific issues. If you’re still encountering problems, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Pyomo community or solver vendor support teams for further assistance.

Bonus Tip: Avoiding Future License Issues

To avoid encountering license issues in the future, make sure to:

  1. Regularly check and update your solver licenses
  2. Verify solver installations and configurations
  3. Maintain a clean and organized directory structure for your licenses and solver installations

By following these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to a hassle-free optimization experience with Pyomo and your preferred solver.

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with Pyomo? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about “Pyomo did not find license for solvers”.

What does “Pyomo did not find license for solvers” mean?

This error message means that Pyomo is unable to find a valid license for the solver you’re trying to use. This is usually because the solver license is not installed, or Pyomo is not configured to use the license correctly.

How do I check if I have a valid solver license?

You can check if you have a valid solver license by running the solver executable from the command line. If you have a valid license, the solver should run without any error messages. If you’re still unsure, you can contact the solver vendor for assistance.

How do I configure Pyomo to use my solver license?

To configure Pyomo to use your solver license, you need to set the `solver` option in your Pyomo model to the path of the solver executable. You can do this using the `pyomo solve` command with the `–solver` option, or by setting the `solver` option in your Python code using the `pyomo.environ` module.

Can I use a free solver with Pyomo?

Yes, Pyomo supports several free solvers, including GLPK, COIN-OR, and IPOPT. These solvers may not be as powerful as commercial solvers, but they can still be effective for many optimization problems. You can specify the free solver you want to use by setting the `solver` option in your Pyomo model.

What if I’m still having trouble with my solver license?

If you’re still having trouble with your solver license, you can try reinstalling the solver or contacting the solver vendor for assistance. You can also try posting a question on the Pyomo forums or seeking help from a Pyomo expert.

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