Conquering the Mysterious Error: “While Resolving…” When Upgrading to Angular 18
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Conquering the Mysterious Error: “While Resolving…” When Upgrading to Angular 18

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Are you scratching your head, trying to figure out why your Angular app is throwing the infamous “While resolving…” error when upgrading to Angular 18? Fear not, fellow developer! You’re not alone in this struggle. In this article, we’ll delve into the depths of this pesky issue, exploring its causes, symptoms, and most importantly, solutions to get you back on track.

What’s the Deal with This Error?

The error message itself is quite cryptic, leaving many of us wondering what’s going on:

While resolving: <span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="e988878e9c85889b91c4989b8a868d8ca9d8dec7d9c7d8">[email protected]</span> => Found: @angular/<span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="a9cac6dbcce9989187988799">[email protected]</span>

This error typically occurs when trying to upgrade an Angular application from a previous version to Angular 18. It’s as if the Angular CLI is trying to tell us something, but in a very subtle (read: confusing) way.

Cause of the Error: A Peek Under the Hood

After digging through the Angular source code and various GitHub issues, we’ve identified a few potential culprits behind this error:

  • outdated @angular/cli version: If you’re using an older version of the Angular CLI, it might not be compatible with Angular 18.
  • Mismatched package versions: When upgrading to Angular 18, it’s essential to ensure that all related packages (e.g., @angular/core, @angular/common) are updated to compatible versions.
  • Corrupted node_modules folder: Occasionally, the node_modules folder can become corrupted during the upgrade process, leading to strange errors like this one.

Solutions to the “While Resolving…” Error

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes, let’s get to the good stuff – fixing this error and getting your Angular app up and running with Angular 18!

  1. Update @angular/cli to the Latest Version

    Run the following command to update the Angular CLI:

    ng update @angular/cli@latest

    This ensures you have the latest version of the CLI, which should be compatible with Angular 18.

  2. Update All @angular-packages to Compatible Versions

    Run the following command to update all @angular-packages to compatible versions:

    ng update @angular/core@18 @angular/common@18

    This command updates the @angular/core and @angular/common packages to version 18, ensuring they’re compatible with each other and with Angular 18.

  3. Delete and Reinstall node_modules Folder

    Sometimes, simply deleting the node_modules folder and running npm install or yarn install can fix corrupted package issues. Try:

    rm -rf node_modules/ && npm install

    This will remove the node_modules folder and reinstall all dependencies, potentially fixing any corruption issues.

  4. Check for Conflicting Dependencies

    If you’re still experiencing issues, it’s possible that there are conflicting dependencies in your project. Try:

    npm ls

    This command will list all installed dependencies, helping you identify any potential conflicts.

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

If the above solutions don’t work for you, here are some additional tips to help you troubleshoot:

  • Check the Angular version: Ensure you’re using the correct version of Angular by running ng version.
  • Verify package.json: Double-check your package.json file to ensure all @angular-packages are updated to compatible versions.
  • Look for deprecated packages: Some packages might be deprecated in Angular 18. Check the Angular documentation or the official Angular CHANGELOG for more information.
  • Try a clean Angular project: Create a new, blank Angular project using the latest Angular CLI version. This can help you identify if the issue is specific to your project or a more general problem.


The “While resolving…” error can be a frustrating obstacle when upgrading to Angular 18, but by following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to overcome it and get your application up and running with the latest version of Angular.

Remember, the Angular community is always here to help. If you’re still experiencing issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Angular team or seek assistance from online forums and communities.

Issue Solution
Outdated @angular/cli version Update @angular/cli to the latest version using ng update @angular/cli@latest
Mismatched package versions Update all @angular-packages to compatible versions using ng update @angular/core@18 @angular/common@18
Corrupted node_modules folder Delete and reinstall node_modules folder using rm -rf node_modules/ && npm install

By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the “While resolving…” error and enjoying the benefits of Angular 18. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with the infamous “While resolving” error when upgrading to Angular 18? Worry not, we’ve got you covered! Below are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you resolve this issue.

What’s causing the “While resolving” error when upgrading to Angular 18?

The “While resolving” error typically occurs when there’s a version mismatch between Angular packages. It’s essential to ensure that all Angular packages are updated to the same version (in this case, Angular 18). Check your `package.json` file and make sure all Angular dependencies are updated correctly.

How do I fix the version mismatch issue?

Run the following command to update all Angular packages to the latest version: `ng update @angular/core@18 @angular/cli@18`. This command will ensure that all Angular packages are updated to version 18. If you’re using other Angular packages, make sure to include them in the command as well.

What if I’m still experiencing issues after updating all Angular packages?

If you’re still experiencing issues, try deleting the `node_modules` directory and running `npm install` or `yarn install` to reinstall all dependencies. This can help resolve any corrupted or incomplete package installations.

Can I use the `–force` flag to bypass the version mismatch issue?

While using the `–force` flag might seem like a quick fix, it’s not recommended. The `–force` flag can lead to unexpected behavior and might cause more problems down the line. It’s better to resolve the version mismatch issue properly to ensure a stable and smooth development experience.

Where can I find more resources to help me with the upgrade process?

The official Angular documentation provides an in-depth guide on upgrading to Angular 18. You can also check out the Angular blog and various online forums, such as Stack Overflow, to find more resources and troubleshooting tips.

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