Unlocking the Secrets of PineScript: How to Get Previous Day Prices at the End of the Exchange
Image by Nikeeta - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secrets of PineScript: How to Get Previous Day Prices at the End of the Exchange

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As a trader, having access to historical data is crucial for making informed decisions. PineScript, a popular programming language used in TradingView, provides an array of features to help you fetch and manipulate data. But have you ever wondered how to get the prices of previous days at the end of the exchange in PineScript? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of PineScript and explore the steps to achieve this feat.

Why Do I Need Previous Day Prices?

Before we dive into the how-to, let’s discuss the importance of previous day prices. Having access to historical data can help you:

  • Analyze market trends and patterns
  • Identify trading opportunities
  • Backtest trading strategies
  • Enhance technical analysis

In PineScript, you can leverage previous day prices to create custom indicators, scripts, and algorithms that help you make better trading decisions.

Understanding PineScript’s Data Structure

To fetch previous day prices, you need to understand PineScript’s data structure. PineScript uses a tick-based system, where each tick represents a single price update. The historical data is stored in an array, with each element representing a specific time period.

// PineScript's data structure
    "open": 100.0,
    "high": 105.0,
    "low": 95.0,
    "close": 102.0,
    "volume": 1000
    "open": 102.0,
    "high": 110.0,
    "low": 100.0,
    "close": 108.0,
    "volume": 1200

In this example, each array element represents a single candlestick, with properties such as open, high, low, close, and volume.

Getting Previous Day Prices

Now that you understand PineScript’s data structure, let’s explore the ways to get previous day prices.

Method 1: Using the `security` Function

The `security` function is a powerful tool in PineScript that allows you to fetch data from other symbols, resolutions, or time zones. You can use this function to get the previous day’s prices.

indicator("Previous Day Prices")

// Get the previous day's close price
prevClose = security(syminfo.tickerid, "D", close[1], barmerge.offset=-1)

// Plot the previous day's close price

In this example, we use the `security` function to fetch the previous day’s close price. The `barmerge.offset=-1` parameter tells PineScript to fetch the previous bar’s data.

Method 2: Using the `ta.valuewhen` Function

The `ta.valuewhen` function is another useful tool in PineScript that returns the value of a series when a specific condition is true. You can use this function to get the previous day’s prices.

indicator("Previous Day Prices")

// Get the previous day's close price
prevClose = ta.valuewhen(day != day[1], close[1], 0)

// Plot the previous day's close price

In this example, we use the `ta.valuewhen` function to fetch the previous day’s close price when the current day is not equal to the previous day. The `close[1]` parameter tells PineScript to fetch the previous bar’s close price.

Common Issues and Solutions

When working with PineScript, you may encounter some common issues. Here are some solutions to get you back on track:

Issue 1: Missing Data

If you’re experiencing missing data, ensure that you’re using the correct symbol and resolution. You can also try increasing the `lookback` parameter in the `security` function to fetch more historical data.

indicator("Previous Day Prices")

// Increase the lookback parameter
prevClose = security(syminfo.tickerid, "D", close[1], barmerge.offset=-1, lookback=200)

// Plot the previous day's close price

Issue 2: Incorrect Time Zone

If you’re experiencing issues with time zones, ensure that your PineScript code is set to the correct time zone. You can use the `timezone` parameter in the `security` function to specify the time zone.

indicator("Previous Day Prices")

// Specify the time zone
prevClose = security(syminfo.tickerid, "D", close[1], barmerge.offset=-1, timezone="America/New_York")

// Plot the previous day's close price


In this article, we’ve explored the world of PineScript and discovered how to get the prices of previous days at the end of the exchange. By using the `security` function or the `ta.valuewhen` function, you can fetch historical data and unlock new trading opportunities. Remember to troubleshoot common issues and refine your PineScript code to get the most out of this powerful programming language.

Function Description
security Feches data from other symbols, resolutions, or time zones
ta.valuewhen Returns the value of a series when a specific condition is true

Now that you’ve mastered the art of fetching previous day prices, take your PineScript skills to the next level by exploring more advanced topics, such as:

  1. Creating custom indicators and scripts
  2. Backtesting trading strategies
  3. Integrating PineScript with other TradingView features

The possibilities are endless in the world of PineScript. Happy coding!

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “How can I get the prices of the previous days at the end of the exchange in pinescript?” :

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on accessing historical prices with PineScript!

Can I use the `ta.highest` function to get the highest price of the previous day?

No, the `ta.highest` function is used to get the highest value of a series within a specified length, but it doesn’t consider the session or day. You’ll need to use a different approach to get the prices of the previous day.

How can I get the open price of the previous day using PineScript?

You can use the `open` function with an offset of 1 day, like this: `open[1]`. This will give you the open price of the previous day.

Can I use the `security` function to get the high price of the previous day?

Yes, you can use the `security` function to get the high price of the previous day. The syntax would be `security(syminfo.ticker, “1D”, high[1])`. This will return the high price of the previous day.

How do I get the close price of the previous day’s session?

You can use the `close` function with an offset of 1 day, like this: `close[1]`. This will give you the close price of the previous day’s session.

Can I use PineScript to get the prices of multiple previous days?

Yes, you can use PineScript to get the prices of multiple previous days. For example, you can use the `security` function with different offsets, like this: `security(syminfo.ticker, “1D”, high[1]), security(syminfo.ticker, “1D”, high[2]), …`. This will return the high prices of multiple previous days.