Mastering PineScript: How to Change the Color of the Plot() for the Next Bar After Strategy.Exit
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Mastering PineScript: How to Change the Color of the Plot() for the Next Bar After Strategy.Exit

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Are you tired of tedious PineScript coding and wondering how to change the color of the plot() for the next bar after strategy.exit? Well, buckle up, folks! Today, we’re going to dive into the world of PineScript and explore this fascinating topic. By the end of this article, you’ll be a master of customizing your plots and taking your trading strategies to the next level.

Understanding PineScript Basics

Before we dive into the main topic, let’s quickly review some PineScript basics. PineScript is a programming language used to create custom indicators and trading strategies for various financial platforms, such as TradingView.

PineScript consists of three main components:

  • Inputs: User-defined parameters that can be adjusted to customize the script.
  • Variables: Used to store and manipulate data within the script.
  • Functions: Pre-built and custom functions that perform specific tasks, such as plotting data or executing trades.

The Strategy.Exit Function

The strategy.exit function is used to close a trade or position in PineScript. When a strategy.exit is triggered, the script will exit the trade and wait for the next entry signal. But what if you want to change the color of the plot() for the next bar after strategy.exit?

That’s where the magic happens! With a little creativity and understanding of PineScript, you can achieve this customization.

Using the Strategy.Exit Function with Plots

Let’s start with a basic example. Suppose you have a simple moving average crossover strategy with two plots: a fast MA (red) and a slow MA (blue). When the fast MA crosses above the slow MA, you want to enter a long position. When the fast MA crosses below the slow MA, you want to exit the position and change the color of the plot() for the next bar.

strategy("MA Crossover Strategy", overlay=true)

// Define inputs
lengthFast = input(10)
lengthSlow = input(30)

// Calculate MAs
maFast = ta.sma(close, lengthFast)
maSlow = ta.sma(close, lengthSlow)

// Plot MAs

// Define strategy
if crossover(maFast, maSlow)
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
else if crossunder(maFast, maSlow)

Changing the Plot Color After Strategy.Exit

Now, let’s focus on changing the color of the plot() for the next bar after strategy.exit. To achieve this, we’ll use a variable to store the color and update it when the strategy.exit is triggered.

strategy("MA Crossover Strategy with Color Change", overlay=true)

// Define inputs
lengthFast = input(10)
lengthSlow = input(30)

// Calculate MAs
maFast = ta.sma(close, lengthFast)
maSlow = ta.sma(close, lengthSlow)

// Define color variable
var color maColor =

// Plot MAs with dynamic color
plot(maFast, color=maColor)

// Define strategy
if crossover(maFast, maSlow)
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
else if crossunder(maFast, maSlow)
    maColor := // Update color variable

In this example, we’ve added a variable maColor and initialized it with the color red. We then use this variable to plot the fast MA. When the strategy.exit is triggered, we update the maColor variable to green using the := operator.

VoilĂ ! The color of the plot() for the next bar after strategy.exit is now green.

Advanced Customization: Using Arrays and Loops

What if you want to change the color of multiple plots or use a more complex logic to determine the color? That’s where arrays and loops come in.

strategy("MA Crossover Strategy with Advanced Color Change", overlay=true)

// Define inputs
lengthFast = input(10)
lengthSlow = input(30)

// Calculate MAs
maFast = ta.sma(close, lengthFast)
maSlow = ta.sma(close, lengthSlow)

// Define color array
var color[] maColors = [,,]

// Define plot array
var line[] maPlots = [plot(maFast, color=maColors[0]), plot(maSlow, color=maColors[1])]

// Define strategy
if crossover(maFast, maSlow)
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
else if crossunder(maFast, maSlow)
    for i in range(2)
        line.set_color(maPlots[i], maColors[i % 3]) // Update plot colors

In this advanced example, we’ve used an array to store the plot objects and another array to store the colors. When the strategy.exit is triggered, we loop through the plot array and update the color of each plot using the line.set_color() function.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the world of PineScript and mastered the art of changing the color of the plot() for the next bar after strategy.exit. With these techniques, you can create visually stunning and informative charts that take your trading strategies to the next level.

Remember, the key to customizing PineScript is understanding the basics and experimenting with different approaches. Don’t be afraid to try new things and push the limits of what’s possible.

Tips and Tricks
Use PineScript’s built-in functions, such as ta.change(), to detect changes in your plots and adjust the color accordingly.
Experiment with different color palettes and schemes to create visually appealing charts.
Use arrays and loops to customize multiple plots and create complex logic for color changes.

Happy coding, and see you in the next PineScript adventure!

Frequently Asked Question

Let’s dive into the world of PineScript and explore the most commonly asked questions about changing the color of a plot after strategy.exit().

Q: How do I change the color of the plot() for the next bar after strategy.exit()?

You can use the `bar_index` variable to keep track of the current bar index and change the color of the plot accordingly. For example: `color = bar_index == bar_index[1] + 1 and strategy.position_size == 0 ? : na`. This will change the color of the plot to red for the next bar after `strategy.exit()`.

Q: Can I use a variable to store the color and change it after strategy.exit()?

Yes, you can! Just declare a variable `var color myColor = na` and then change its value after `strategy.exit()`. For example: `if strategy.position_size == 0 myColor :=`. Then, use `myColor` in your `plot()` function.

Q: Will this method work for multiple plots?

Yes, you can apply this method to multiple plots by using different variables for each plot or by using an array of colors. Just make sure to update the corresponding variable or array element after `strategy.exit()`. For example: `if strategy.position_size == 0 myColor1 :=; myColor2 :=`. Then, use `myColor1` and `myColor2` in your `plot()` functions.

Q: Can I use this method with other PineScript functions, such as `alertcondition()` or `strategy.entry()`?

While this method is specifically designed for `strategy.exit()`, you can adapt it to work with other PineScript functions that change the state of your strategy or script. Just identify the condition that triggers the change in state and use it to update the color variable. For example: `if alertcondition(mycriteria, “My Alert”) myColor := color.yellow`. Then, use `myColor` in your `plot()` function.

Q: Is there a more elegant way to change the color of a plot after strategy.exit()?

Well, elegance is in the eye of the beholder, but you can use a more concise way to change the color by using the ternary operator: `color = strategy.position_size == 0 ? : na`. This is a shorter and more readable way to achieve the same result.

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